
Elissa is a key piece in my son’s life. In my opinion, the best Speech Therapist thanks to her technique, my son now tries to speak, I think it would be very good if this Speech Therapy is applied in the School District in each Special Needs class Thank you Elissa for helping me to listen to my son’s life.
– Parent of Child

“My daughter has a severe global developmental delay. After taking her to several speech therapists, I was fortunate enough to find Elissa.  No previous speech therapist had been able to help my daughter because she was delayed in her motor and cognitive skills.  Elissa is not only highly trained in speech, but behavior skills as well, so she is able to see children with multiple issues.   Over the past 3 years, I have watched Elissa tailor my daughter’s speech sessions to her individual needs.  My daughter has made tremendous progress under Elissa’s guidance. Elissa is an extremely talented and dynamic speech-language pathologist.  I am thoroughly satisfied with her core and would recommend Elissa without reservation.”
– Parent of Child & MD

As a Speech Pathologist I can honestly say that Elissa provides the most unique speech therapy I have ever seen!  Our daughter Morgan who couldn’t speak a word is now able to verbalize simple words like Mommy, Daddy, Potty, but these simple words make such a difference in our lives.  We live in Florida and have been working with Elissa via Skype for almost 2 years and are so thankful that we found her.  With the numbers of children diagnosed with Autism growing annually we need more providers like Elissa out in the community and we must make people aware of this important topic, “How Do You Communicate With Your Loved One, When They Can’t Speak?”
– Parent of Autistic Child and Speech Language Pathologist

“My son started showing speech delays at 2.  When he still wasn’t talking at 2.5, we had him assessed through the state program.  After 6 months of having a speech therapist come to our home – we had seen no progress.  His frustration was getting greater and greater every session with our in-home therapist.   When he tested out of the state program because of his age, I had no idea what to do next.  In passing, someone mentioned Speech Works and stated that she had seen amazing things happen through that center.  We took my son there and within just a few sessions – Elissa had nearly doubled the amount of words my son could say.  Her methods were entirely different than what the other speech therapists had used.  She was able to physically mold every sound and train him how to talk from the very basics.  The hands on, physical guidance was so important for him because he was later diagnosed with Apraxia, which requires this type of therapy.  Every problem we have come across, Elissa has had a program and a solution for.  She incorporated programs for my son that addressed problems he would encounter in the future with this particular diagnosis – things like differentiating sounds, reading readiness, comprehension, memory, pencil grip, etc.  Elissa has changed my son’s life.  He will be entering Kindergarten next year and will be mainstreamed with no IEP.  I shudder to think about where he would be if we had not found her as a therapist. The changes she has helped come into his life are something we will be forever grateful for.”  
– Parent of a child with Apraxia of speech

Elissa uses an important combination of treatment techniques based on my own experience as a speech-language pathologist and the clients I have co-treated with Elissa. I discuss a similar combination of techniques in my early intervention book “Nobody Ever Told Me (or My Mother) That! Everything from Bottles and Breathing to Healthy Speech Development.” Thank you, Elissa, for spreading the word about this wonderful eclectic approach that has helped so many children and their families.
Diane Bahr, Author & Speech-Language Pathologist  http://www.agesandstages.net/

More and more kids are needing the kind of help that Elissa can provide. We have a child that was completely nonverbal, but now he is verbalizing his wants and needs, as well as his emotions, thanks to Elissa’s techniques. What a blessing it is to be able to communicate more with our son. We need more speech therapists that can use the techniques that Elissa is using.  So many kids could benefit from more therapists and child educators knowing about this!
– Parent of non-verbal child & MD

“Elissa is an absolutely amazing therapist!  I get so excited when we come to therapy and she has another person that she is mentoring there to observe.  This means that more children will get the benefit of her wealth of knowledge. She has changed my son’s life by teaching him to talk.  It has been a miracle to watch her work.  She is able to get results that would have taken other therapists years to produce.  Her methods need to be spread to all speech therapists –  both private and public.  Our school districts and state programs waste so much money on therapies that don’t work as well as what Elissa does.  But more importantly, precious early years are wasted as children get further and further delayed since they aren’t getting the help they need. If they can learn to talk – the world opens up to them.”
– Parent of child

The best of the best!!  Elissa has been a blessing to my brother and to our family!  Her work has improved my brothers life to the fullest, he had no words when we started with her, non-verbal and I am so happy to say that he can now communicate with us and has made so much progress.. I wish people can learn more about her knowledge and all that she does..Thank you! Thank you for your dedication and hard work!!
– Sibling of child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Our son receives Speech Therapy from Elissa and has been making gradual progress. Based on our experience, the CNN article that highlights her service approach. describes both the problem and solution accurately.  Elissa is one of the best speech therapists in town. We are glad to have found her.
– Parent of child

Many people do not understand the importance of speech therapy and the role that speech therapists play. I feel that Elissa demonstrates a high level or professionalism and is fully committed to the lives of her clients. With the number of children affected by disorders that impact language acquisition, it is important that Elissa spread her work and knowledge to others.
– Parent of child

Elissa una pieza clave en la vida de mi hijo en mi opinion la mejor Terapista de lenguaje  gracias a su tecnica mi hijo ahora trata de hablar creo que seria muy bueno que esta Terapia de Lenguaje se  aplicada en el Distrito Escolar en cada clase de Nesecidades Especiales, gracias Elissa por ayudar a que yo escuchara la voy de mi hijo.
– Parent of a child with Autism Spectrum Disorder

My son has Auditory Processing Disorder. Prior to meeting Elissa, we have seen many speech patholofists who really didn’t understand the problem, let alone know how to provide therapy for it.  Elissa realized the weakness right away and used his visual strength to help him with his auditory weakness.  Alhough we have a long way to go, our son has made gigantic progress with auditory memory, which in turn helps him to communicate better.  Her therapy is unique and tailored to the individual child.  Elissa is knowledgeable and professional.  I would recommend her therapy to anyone whose child struggles with language development and verbal communication, regardless of the diagnosis.
– Parent of a child with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Auditory Processing Disorder.

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